I remember a setter who lost a stone through the window. It was too hot in the workshop and he had opened the window to ventilate. The diamond fell on the roof of the neighbouring warehouse… Ladder, velux, it was an adventure to get it back.
We didn’t do any better, but one day while setting a centre, the stone blew up… and it disappeared. We spent hours looking for it. And then, not a small stone, almost a carat. We only found it months later when we did a major cleaning. It was in a spider’s web!
H., setter.
I can't really tell this client that sometimes he is exaggerating. I say things nicely, I use humour, I use pirouettes. And we agree. He makes an effort and I make one too. After all, I wouldn't want him to go anywhere else. Besides, it's simply inconceivable, our families...