To be an apprentice is to be a courier. I’m exaggerating but I’m not far from the truth. When you become an arpette, you run around making deliveries. I remember one impossible day. I had started shopping just after a coffee and I hadn’t stopped all day. “You go to Pierre’s, he’s on the sixth floor; then you go to Jean’s, he’s on the fifth floor; I think Yves has some parts for us, it’s on the eighth floor…”. I would go back to the workshop on the fourth floor, put the folds on and leave. I didn’t have a mobile phone at that time, but I had legs! And there were hardly any lifts in the buildings on the 9th floor. That day, I counted, I climbed a hundred floors… Memorable!
J, almost retired crimper
About Repairs
- Oh, you know, I've got a lot of my friends' jewellery to fix. Little soldering jobs... Lots of little things like that. But mostly I have to fix my own jewellery... That would be nice! - You've got your wedding rings to do, haven't you? And there are...