At the forthcoming Sotheby’s sale in London on 18 March, one lot in particular caught my eye. It is lot 24, which consists of twenty-three sketches of jewellery, all on twenty-two unbound sheets. The lot dates from the second half of the 18th century. Some of the sheets are unsigned but have a watermark indicating that the paper was made in Amsterdam. The lot is estimated at between 40.000 to £60,000. I thought it important – given the interest of such a set – to devote a small note to it with a reproduction of the various plates. I would add – moreover – that these plates are very reminiscent of those found in the Traité des pierres précieuses et de la manière de les employer en parures by Pouget fils (Paris, 1762).

Feel free to click on the different images and enlarge them. You will be able to see the multitude of details that make up the pieces.
See you soon!