Puzzle mania

Puzzle mania

A few days ago, I shared a picture on Instagram of a gemstone puzzle I was making. I had bought this on a whim a few weeks ago and hadn’t found the time to start it. I’ve always liked puzzles, to tell you the truth, I find them relaxing. So if I’m...
The real gems from the April 13th Aguttes auction

The real gems from the April 13th Aguttes auction

Spring has finally returned. And the gradual emergence from winter and the dark days can only be achieved with the promise of light. Light means jewels; at least in my mind, which is obsessed with their presence. But light also means colours, the luminous and joyful...
It’s all about “Essex Crystal”

It’s all about “Essex Crystal”

Regularly in the auctions, one sees passing jewels presenting Essex crystal. Most of the time, these pieces of jewellery are adorable, a bit kitschy but very nice. These are pieces of rock crystal (sometimes glass or crystal), cut into cabochons, engraved and painted...
Let’s begin 2023 with books

Let’s begin 2023 with books

Raise your hand if, like me, you received a lot of books for Christmas! Better gifts ever than books. Especially if they involve jewellery and rocks, near and far. The ones that found a little place under the tree were a source of great joy and I spent my week between...